History of the Empire


This is only the beginning of the Empire. The chaos.
The Covenant Empire.....
The First Age: Ignorance and Fear.
What are you to make of an empire that had just started out. We were not but only four. Through our days we gained more and more stray canines. Dominantly the empire was ran by canines, the structure not yet made. There was no such thing as an oath or a set of covenant laws. They were free. They were wild. But because of this, it brought them war.

The Second Age: Rivalry and Bloodshed.
The war of canines against humans began in the early generations of the empire, then, the small empire was large, and full of blood-lust. The empire was known as Sahn'hyuu during this age, rather than "The Covenant Empire." In the empire's previous life, it was known as "Sahn'huu Empire [or dynasty per say]". The war of the empire and the humans began in the early V'reo rule, after the Arch Ste'vvin was overthrown by his members. Keep in mind, however, there was no Crown during this age, either. The structure of the empire was something that wasn't a complete government, rather a regular old strucure of a canine pack's rule. As Minister V'reo succeeded Ste'vvin as the next Arch, the war was engaged with the humans. In the V'reo rule, the empire had fallen. They had lost the war under the proclaimed and blindsighted Arch who believed that war was what would benefit them the most if they succeeded, however, they did not succeed.

The Third Age: Humility and Brotherhood.
Many do not know what happened to the empire the night it had fallen. Some prophets to this day discuss that V'reo had lived, but by now he must be suffering of age, for it had been 80 years that had passed since his rule. However, only one truth was known. That there had been one surviver. Sir Vr'ein Rumt. He had been the only surviver of the covenant, fleeing from the field of battle. History is written that those who fear death will be the first to die, although in this case, Vr'ein had escaped it just in time. He had run away, with no looking back for his family and his belongings. He knew the outcome of the war long before it started. He, however, believed in a second chance. That the empire could reign once again, under true rule. He was humiliated for his failure in protecting his empire, though he would be the source of life, the prophet who became the father of the new empire. The generation of brotherhood.
The "Sour'hyy Empire" came to be. The development of the Covenant, and the guild of the dominions. Sir Vr'ein Rumt became the historic figure that the current empire knows of today. He was the canine to gather together the members, unite them, and bring them back into one as a family. The devevlopment of the Covenant came with the oaths, and with that was the Crowns. The ranks of the Crowns will remain disclosed until those chosen will reveal themselves. That has been the tradition of the Crowns. Sir Vr'ein lived, building the govermental structure of the Sour'hyy Empire, molding it into what it has today.
But with the reconstruction of the empire came confusion. An invasion of felines. An entire clan of them... would the empire be able to face such large cats?

The Fourth Age: Wonder and Understanding.
The Sour'hyy Empire wasn't ambushed, but given a peace treaty. A peace and calmness between two societies that would live together on the same land in harmony. As years went by, the Empire remained as the clan vanquished. But why, you may ask? Well, the two societies merged together to make one. Sir Vr'ein Rumt passed after the joining of the societies, allowing a feline become the next Chief, Vadamee Lourikas. Vadamee Lourikas urged for the peace between both societies. He urged for them to get along and come to a mutual understanding. The canines and the felines soon enough grew into one group living together under Vadamee's rule. Vadamee's reign was the "Coventry Empire" a generation growing closer to what we have. Vadamee urged his family to abide by the Covenant, making it the focus of the empire. The swear of death upon the Covenant was the first thing that was implemented once the empire began to accept it. Thus bringing wonder to them all.

The Fifth Age: Obedience and Freedom.
Obedience was key to those living in Vadamee's reign, but his reign was short as he'd contracted an illness. A disease that was quickly spread through the Empire. The Coventry Empire had almost been wiped out, if not for one canine. Vice Sireptum. Vice Sireptum, a noble lead committed the highest sin, a brutal sin against the covenant. He killed his group members who fell ill with the disease, wiping them all out. Vice opposed the Covenant greatly and wished it to be disposed of, attempting to throw it out of the governing order within the member court alongside the Crowns. The Crowns granted Vice his freedom, but he would forever be entitled to the chains of an Arbiter. He was the beginning of the Arbiter ancestry, and possibly will only have many who follow in his footsteps thereafter. Opposition to the Covenant grew more and more, the Crowns un-certain of what they were to do with this outbreak.
However, they were sure of one thing. Death be the Covenant.

The Sixth Age: Faith and Patience.
Once an Arbiter, always an Arbiter. Those who have committed heretics were put to death under law of the Covenant. They had no room for opposition to their high law. There had to be order and peace. The Crowns took several years in deciding the next Chief that it linked into this generation. This is where the society of the Empire becomes known as the Covenant Empire. A reign under Ichigo Kaserix Fortter. This was an age that needed no room for disobediance to the Covenant. Anyone who showed signs of disapproval towards the Covenant were expelled or put to death by Covenant if they were worth of the Arbiter status. Ichigo's reign came with an entirely new branch. He wiped the leads and the Crowns. At his side stood Zinon, a faithful friend of his. There, they would see to it that The Covenant would expand, grow, and dive deeper into their beliefs.

The Seventh Age: Journey and Salvation.
This is the present stage of The Covenant. We are one, united and trusting. The Covenant is an order of democracy and goverance. Under reign, the Covenant would learn to become what it could be- the best. The Covenant is travelling, looking. They're seeking out whoever could fit in their leagues of society. They will search until their legs can search no more. They will look until their eyes cannot look no more. And they will hear, until their ears can hear no more. That, is the promise of the Chief.

Welcome to the divisions of the Covenant Empire. A society where our people run free, but abide by our one oath. An oath that we put our lives upon in fear of committing the highest sin of them all. Through the wiping out of the empire through genocide and bloodshed, the empire converted to peace with a government power and society.
Are you worthy enough for the oath? Or will you betray us...